Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Word of the Day: Ambivalence


Meaning:Presence of two opposing feelings at the same time; contradicting values
Looks Like:Ambi_valence
Sounds Like:Ambulance (with its siren blaring)
Imagine This:The ambulance driver stops at the intersection, wondering which is the quickest way to the site of the accident.
Remember This:Ambi- → a prefix meaning both Valence → Capacity of an atom to combine with, or to be replaced by, another atom in a chemical reaction.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Word of the Day: Averse


Meaning:Unwilling; reluctant; resistant
Looks Like:A_verse (in the Bible)
Imagine This:The boy is reluctant to attend  School because he is unwilling to recite verses in the Book.
Other Forms:Aversion (noun)

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